Projects under implementation
Project name: : Synergic TRaining to Enhance Entrepreneurial and Technological Skills (STREETS)
Project holder: AES ECONOMIA E SVILUPPO APS (Italy)
Project partners: Associazione culturale INVIVO (Italy), Rijeka development agency Porin Ltd. (Croatia), Reveris Ltd. (Slovenia)
Total value of the project: EUR 60,000.00
Amount of EU co-financing: EUR 60,000.00
Project implementation period: 01.03.2022. – 01.03.2023.
Project goal: The project goal is to create a training course for young NEETs (people not in employment, education or training) to encourage the development of skills that can be implemented in the world of work. The idea is to structure a path whose goal is to discover and improve talents, skills and desire to build a training project together with users that enables them to actively participate in defining and building their own life project.
Project approval through the Erasmus+ Program
Project name: TEMPUS – Temporary USes as start-up actions to enhance port (in)tangible heritage
Project holder: National Research Council of Italy
Project partners: C.N.A. National Confederation of Handcrafts and of SMEs – Territorial Association of Ravenna; Alma Mater Studiorum – Universty of Bologna; Cerimac – Building Materials of Bologna; Rijeka development agency Porin Ltd., Public institution RERA SD for coordination and development of the Split-Dalmatia County; City of Solin; Historical and Maritime Museum of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County; City of Rijeka
Project code: 10175961
Total value of the project: EUR 2,706,920.00
Amount of EU co-financing: EUR 2,300,882.00
Project implementation period: 01.01.2019. – 31.03.2023.
Project goal: The project goal is to achieve real change and influence the diverse and unusual heritage of urban ports and the untapped potential of local communities by directly involving them in the definition and initiation of urban strategies through the regeneration of abandoned urban port areas, respecting the cultural heritage and customs of the community. TEMPUS will base its activities on three pilot areas in Ravenna, Solin and Rijeka.
The project was approved from the Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia 2014-2020 Program. and co-financed through the European Fund for Regional Development.
Project name: Blue and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities
Project holder: Metropolis Nice Côte d'Azur – Euromed Cities Network (France)
Project partners: University of Greenwich (Great Britain), Piedmont Region (Italy), Southern Regional Assembly (Ireland), Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romania), City of Ingolstadt (Germany), Rijeka Development Agency Porin Ltd. (Croatia), Municipality of Växjö (Sweden)
Project code: PGI05836
Total value of the project: EUR 1,348,909.00
Amount of EU co-financing: EUR 1,146,572.65
Project implementation period: 01.08.2019 – 31.01.2023.
Project goal: The project goal is the promotion of green and blue infrastructure as an integral part of the local/regional strategy for the preservation of natural heritage. Blue Green City seeks to increase awareness and knowledge about the concept of ecosystem services and the value of green and blue infrastructure through project events and workshops with the purpose of interregional learning. by exchanging experiences and good practices and by creating strong cooperation in finding common solutions for the common challenges of climate change.
The project was approved from the Interreg Europe Program and co-financed from the European Fund for Regional Development.
Project name: FAST TRACK – Helping Adults Identify and Get on the Right Career Path
Project holder: Rijeka development agency Porin Ltd.
Project partners: Institution for adult education DANTE from Rijeka, FUTURE IN PERSPECTIVE LIMITED from Ireland, ECOSISTEMAS VIRTUALES Y DOLULARES SL from Spain, Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work from the Netherlands, ARETES SCIETA COOPERATIVA from Italy and INOVA+ INNOVATION SERVICES from Portugal
Total value of the project: EUR 221,745.00
Amount of EU co-financing: EUR 221,745.00
Project implementation period: 01.11.2021. – 29.02.2024.
Project goal: The project goal is to provide career guidance counselors and mentors with the tools needed to develop career management skills, while simultaneously using certain features of modern information and communication technologies.
The project was approved from the Erasmus+ Program
Project code: KK.
Project holder: Home for adults Turnić
Total value of the project: HRK 8,999,235.50
Amount of EU co-financing: HRK 8,951,240.50
Project implementation period: 27.02.2018. – 27.02.2023.
Project goal: The project goal is to develop non-institutional services by investing in the reconstruction and equipping of infrastructure, procurement of vehicles, special equipment and education, and by promoting the right to work and employment of the target group.
The project was approved from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020, which is financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.
Project code: KK.
Project holder: Center for providing services in the community Izvor Selce
Project partner: Center for Social Welfare Rijeka
Total value of the project: HRK 6,799,630.27
Amount of EU co-financing: HRK 6,660,944.25
Project implementation period: 31.03.2017. – 30.06.2023.
Project goal: The project goal is to increase the availability of quality social services for children without adequate parental care and families at risk in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Lika-Senj counties by ensuring adequate infrastructure conditions. Investing in infrastructure will reduce the likelihood of children being separated from their biological families and increase the possibility of positive developmental outcomes for children placed in alternative forms of care, i.e. organized housing and in quality foster families.
The project was approved via the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020, which is financed through the European Fund for Regional Development.
Recently completed projects
Project code: UP.
Project holder: Home for adults Turnić
Total value of the project: HRK 7,996,817.72
Amount of EU co-financing: HRK 7,996,817.72
Project implementation period: 11.11.2020. – 11.08.2022.
Project goal: The project goal is to enable people with mental disabilities in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County to access adequate and high-quality social services through the service of organized housing and psychosocial support. The project aims to raise the level of awareness of the general and professional public about the importance of the process of deinstitutionalization and preventing the institutionalization of persons with mental impairments, while the capacities of professional workers will be strengthened through education.
The project was approved from the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020, which is financed through the European Social Fund.
Project name: Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm (PoWER) plus
Project holder: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
Project partners: National confederation of handcrafts and SMEs – Territorial association of Ravenna (Italy), Rijeka development agency Porin Ltd. (Croatia), Center for Economic, Technological and Environmental Development Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Fund "European Affairs" AP Vojvodina ( Serbia), Cooperation and Development Institute (Albania), Center for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece) and Chamber of Thesprotia (Greece)
Total value of the project: EUR 169,683.00
Amount of EU co-financing: EUR 169,683.00
Project implementation period: 01.01.2022. – 30.06.2022.
Project goal: The project goal is to carry out a forecasting process in order to identify the main issues that could affect the Adriatic-Ionian ports in the short to medium term with regard to the outbreak of the Covid19 epidemic and the related economic crisis.
The project was approved from the transnational cooperation program Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian (ADRION) 2014-2020.
Project code: KK.
Project holder: Center for Social Welfare Opatija
Project partner: Center for Social Welfare Rijeka
Total value of the project: HRK 1,652,760.00
Amount of EU co-financing: HRK 1,602,760.00
Project implementation period: 06.03.2017. – 06.03.2022.
Project goal: The project goal is to improve the infrastructural base of the Center for Social Care Opatija so that it can more significantly support the process of deinstitutionalization and prevention of institutionalization in the geographical area of its activity. The reconstruction of the building owned by the Center and the acquisition of adequate equipment will enable accessibility of the Center's services for all users in the process of deinstitutionalization and users who are threatened with institutionalization, as well as their family members.
The project was approved from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020, which is financed through the European Fund for Regional Development.
Project code: UP.
Project holder: Center for providing services in the community Izvor Selce
Project partner: Center for Social Welfare Rijeka
Total value of the project: HRK 5,492,897.69
Amount of EU co-financing: HRK 5,492,897.69
Project implementation period: 01.09.2018. – 01.09.2021.
Project goal: The project goal is to strengthen the process of deinstitutionalization and prevention of institutionalization of children and youth without adequate parental care in Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Lika-Senj counties, which will contribute to the social inclusion of children and youth in the Republic of Croatia. The project includes the provision of non-institutional services for 233 children and youth and for 190 families. The project strengthens the capacity to provide these services for 19 professional workers through training and supervision, in partnership with the Center for Social Welfare Rijeka.
The project was approved from the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020, which is financed through the European Social Fund.